Staying Safe Online
We take Online Safety very seriously at Tonge Moor, particularly as Social Media becomes more and more popular with young people. Children receive a structured unit of work on Online Safety every Spring term. We deliver an Online Safety Assembly as part of National Online Safety Day and children are regularly reminded to make appropriate and safe use of the internet both in school and at home, something we would encourage all parents to support us in.
Here is a message from our schools IT Lead.
I just want to share a few useful websites about online safety and social media like Tik Tok.
This may help with any messages to parents who are worried their child may have seen something.
If you would like more information on Tik Tok, such as age restrictions, associated risks and parental controls, our Parent Info website, which we run with our partners Parent Zone, has the following article:
Online Safety tips for parents with children
under 5
aged 6 – 10
aged 11 – 13
For more information on Online safety, please look at these sites;